Is Joe God? Joe vs. Red Sea

(*Note: This is my shortest and fastest to post in history. Seriously. But, only after I had my coffee and after I visited the ah, hmmmm, yes, right, that place. And, with only one, maybe two, proofreads, which everyone assumes anyway, I dumped this and have moved on. The few writers in my league would call that stream-of-unconsciousness writing).

    I’m not a religious man (not yet anyway) but if I was, I’d still answer the title question with an emphatic, resounding, earthquaking, blood curdling, fart blasting, hernia making, “YES!” Perhaps it would be more acceptable and religiously correct and get me off some hook somewhere, to ask, “Is Biden A God?” That way Biden has a lot more company to share the fame and blame with. A few of the gods I know personally include Zeus, Paul McCartney, Tony Doerr, me, etc. I would still answer, “YES!”

    I’ll answer why he is amongst us elite with a few questions. Do bad things happen to good people? Was becoming president a bad thing that happened to a good person? Are the gods mortal? Are the gods moral? Do the gods have bad days? Are the gods good looking? Are the gods all men? Do the gods still look good in tights? Are the gods trying to make the world a better place?

    Of course, the answer to all those questions is, yes. Why yes? If you were asked if you could part the Red Sea now, today, your answer might go something like this, “No, of course not. Do you think I’m God or Jesus? But maybe tomorrow after I have my therapy session, I could try.” If I asked you if you thought Joe Biden could part the Red Sea, you might say, “Yeah, of course, he’s POTUS. What’s the Red Sea?” That is exactly what we are asking Joe Biden to NOT do. The Red Sea (a seriously cool metaphor for Congress and the country) is already parted and in between the two sides is an expanding desert, a no man’s (or woman’s) land where no one dares to tread. Except the Munchkin & Cinema Dancers (they specialize in dips and tippy toeing across hot sand). One side wants power to keep the all the power, while the other side Uhhhh, Ahhhhh, is not sure, hmmmmm, trying to do something good, yes, hmmmmm, yes, no, lose the power, etc.

   When I hear someone say that Joe Biden is past his prime, is a cognitively deficient old fool, and he needs to move on to Greener Pastures Home for the Potentially Disenchanted, I say (or think very, very quietly to myself if the person is tatooed and big), “Joe Biden is one of the gods just by being where he is. If you want his job, then go for it in 2024, but meanwhile, shut the hell up and do your part to unpart the Red Sea.”

2 thoughts on “Is Joe God? Joe vs. Red Sea”

  1. Dave –

    As always you artfully make your point. And as always, I agree with you.

    I sent this one to one of my brothers. He asked which hospital you are in! I explained you as best I could.

    Keep at it Dave. Love the diversions from my banal life.

  2. Thanks, Scott. To answer your brother’s question: I couldn’t get in. Oh, is he talking about THAT kind of hospital?? Maybe so.

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