The Final Days

Was this really what Remus was concerned about?

Ask yourself this: what was Paul Revere thinking? Would there be a pub open before the ride? Will Red, White and Blue (horse) rise to the occasion and take the whip without bitching?

What was Noah thinking? Will Home Depot give me a discount on a heavy duty ramp? Is the Galapagos tortoise going to make it in time? Is there enough weed in the hold to make it for even the mice. Q: where did Noah want to go?? An ark regatta?

Finally, What is crossing Trump’s mind these final days? A cogent, connected thought? Would Miss Universe still give him a “present” if it looks like he is going to lose? Will Joe still love him? Will MIke still want to sleep at the foot of his cot at Alcatraz?

I think we will always be able to laugh in the face of Dr. Doom but it would be a lot easier if he (she?) if she (he) were melting. No matter, I believe the future, because it is the future, is a mindset. We can design it any way we wish. It reminds me like of our Mexican “Father” asked me on day one with our Peace Corps family, “David, who always has the final word in any Mexican spousal argument?” Not wanting to tell him a lie on our first day, I said, “The wife.” Wrong,” he said, puffing up, “the husband. Do you know why? The husband can always respond as he is escaping, ‘Si, mi vida, lo que tu digas.” Yes, my love (life), whatever you say.