Mea Culpa Revisited


Yesterday, I received a comment, posted on this blog, from a very good friend regarding the Scared Shitless essay. His concerns are justified in regards the last paragraph, which I quote below:

So, how do I bring this painful essay to a close and release you to make something of your day. Vote, tell everyone you know over 18 to vote, leave threatening messages in Republican neighbors mailboxes (or contact my oldest daughter who has a HS history of blowing up mailboxes with dry ice bombs), get free internet instructions on making car bombs and use them on known Trumpeters before Nov 3. If you live in any of the swing states, do what your budget will allow with fence-sitters: get them drunk, invite them to dinner, buy them a new car, etc. I live in Idaho so my plan is skip voting.”

My friend’s comment regarding that paragraph was as follows:

“Promoting threatening messages, and low budget violence, even in jest, does not invoke tasteful humor visions in my mind. Sorry, you can and usually do, better. Also, your vote on 3 Nov can include many choices for people other than the orange haired creepy-crawly one. Don’t neglect this event.” 

He is correct. I am wrong to assume that people that read this blog, possibly many I don’t even know, will understand and accept my style of bizarre humor. But, as my friend points out, what I’ve written is not funny, even quite possibly to people who know me well.

Consequently, I have revised that post. But in my defense, I am not going to let him off that easily, and responded essentially as follows:  

“My point is not necessarily always to make people happy and to laugh. As a matter of fact, I don’t mind at all stirring things up and Trump supporters need to be stirred up……a lot. They seem to have no clue as to what is at stake. Trump should have been run out of town by the Republican wimps in Congress and incarcerated for life a long time ago. He has damaged this country in four years possibly beyond repair and four more years of him would make repair impossible. My opinion. It would take so long that climate change and pandemics (since we don’t seem to be learning very fast as to the potency of either) would have an irreversible stranglehold on our future and possibly the future of the world. This says to me that we are leaving our future up to fate and not grasping what that means. A climate change-pandemic cocktail will guarantee that our future will be a nightmare beyond comprehension.

The mere facts that: a) hackers and voting fraud can decide who our president, or any president of a democracy, is going to be; b) a pandemic can destroy a country that allows its administration to flounder for MONTHS without a national pandemic plan; c) the U.S. allows selfish bozos to hold Covid-19 parties and disregard lockdown procedures because they are deluded into believing they are patriots following the First Amendment; and d) a president can drag out his presidency long after he has lost the election (Venezuela?) and hole up in the White House with his stormtroopers is proof enough for me that we a seriously floundering democracy and four more years of Trump would drown us.

If being a “true” democracy means that stores are not mandated to follow the lead that Costco has taken and basically say that if you don’t wear a mask then you can shop elsewhere, then I don’t get it. It has already been proven that lockdown works beyond doubt, and Covid-19 should eventually suffocate if we all follow the rules. No exceptions. If we don’t, we could possibly perpetuate Covid-19 indefinitely, thus destroying our economy, our education system, our morale, basically our country, not to mention killing millions. Our Constitution is becoming a farce and “for the common good” means nothing anymore. As it is said, “It will be every man for himself.” Is Mad Max riding back into town?  

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