Mea Culpa

Since my posting yesterday, Scared Shitless, I have been besieged with phone calls, texts, emails, tweets, FB comments, and anonymous mailbox threats from relatives, friends and people I don’t even know, demanding that I issue a formal apology for my infantilism regarding bodily functions. I’ve even heard from half-siblings my father never told me about, and my grandsons telling me that they are sending back the bicycles and guns I’ve given them over the years. I’ve even been told by other Greegors that they are going to change their names if I don’t at least publish under a pseudo-name. Even my daughter’s dog, a black lab named Ryder, whom I love dearly, won’t go on walks with me anymore. And get this: he is, as the veterinarians call it, a confirmed fecalphile with potentially lethal breath.

Ryder and twin sister, Sprout

In all seriousness, I apologize. I’ve always appreciated the individual who invented the methodology: “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.” As my wife will tell you, this has been my M.O. for 30 years but she will also tell you that it hasn’t worked with her for at least 3 decades.

Being serious for once, I plan to do the following to defeat Trump and I suggest you do the same. I’m going to:

  • Vote. Even though I live in Idaho, the reddest state since records have been kept, I am not only going to vote I am going mail in several hundred ballots and take my chances that cheating will work as the POTUS sez;
  • Ignore the media. Their wild scenarios of Trump’s plans to lie, cheat and steal the election only stir up fear. Trump’s threats to not leave the office until he has served 10 terms, he can’t get orange wigs anymore and Melania runs off with Mike Pence will no longer phase me, nor should they you;
  • Verbally attack conservatives and Republicans everywhere. Masked and from at least 6 feet away (so I can run), in restrooms, at restaurants, at stop lights from my car or on the corner, wherever they exist, I’m going for the jugular. I plan to remind them of their stupidity. I am going to take the risk it might further confirm their convictions that liberals are all nut jobs;
  • Call Democrats. From a phone bank or home if banks aren’t allowed, I plan to embarrass Democrats, if necessary, into voting; and finally,
  • Leave the country if Trump wins—if possible. So many friends have said that is their plan too, that I worry about U.S. refugees overwhelming other countries, all having sane citizens, being terrified that we might tip their sanity-insanity balance in the negative direction. They might even build walls around their countries?? For example, consider any of the Scandinavian countries, Canada, New Zealand, Bali, Shangri-La, or any country that has a $100 or less defense budget and gotten rid of Covid-19 months ago. If you were a citizen in any of those countries, would you want to start seeing, “Iwannagetcovid19”parties on your beaches and “Gestapo & Teargas” rallies in your capitals?

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